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Learning Innovations Coach

Carolyna Aparici Chavez

Learning Innovations Coach

October Report Cards- Reporting on Current Student Learning

Our standards-based grading system aligns with our state assessments (K-3 Istation and 3-6 NM-MSSA) and follows 5 levels of learning. A Level 4 indicates proficiency. Our goal is for all learners to reach Level 4 or higher in every standard by the end of the school year.

5 – Distinguished: The student consistently exceeds grade-level standards independently.
4 – Strong Command (Proficiency Goal): The student consistently meets grade-level standards independently.
3 – Moderate Command: The student demonstrates a moderate command of grade-level standards with limited assistance.
2 – Partial Command: The student demonstrates partial command of grade-level standards and is making progress but requires frequent assistance.
1 – Minimal Command: The student is not progressing toward grade-level standards, even with frequent assistance.

Growth Over Time: Teachers emphasize student growth, allowing students multiple opportunities to demonstrate proficiency over time. Instead of relying on a one-time score, students can reassess to show their progress.
Formative Assessments: Regular, informal assessments help track student progress and guide instruction. These assessments don’t always result in grades but provide feedback.

Summative Assessments: Larger, final assessments are used to determine a student’s mastery of each standard.
Separation of Behavior from Academic Performance: In standards-based grading, non-academic factors such as participation, attendance, or behavior are separated from academic achievement. Teachers report on these factors separately to ensure the grade reflects mastery of content alone. On our report cards, they are found on the back.

Follow-Up From Conferences

Thank you to all families for attending our recent student-led conferences! It was wonderful to see the excitement as students shared their data binders, which included student work and assessments. Your partnership is invaluable in supporting your child’s learning and growth. After receiving your student’s assessment reports at conferences, you may have questions about the data and this year’s updates.

For more information on state assessments, including resources and guides, please visit the New Mexico Public Education Department's Assessment page.

Thank you for being our partners in your child’s education. Please reach out if you need resources or have questions! Don’t hesitate to ask your child’s teacher or me about any assessments, including Istation, iMSSA, NM-MSSA (grades 3-6), SBA Science (4th grade), or ACCESS (English language proficiency).